
  • Traditional Ukrainian Perogy Dough Recipe


    With all that is currently going on in the world, specifically between Russia and the Ukraine, I felt that I should post this traditional Ukrainian Perogy Dough recipe, along with a variety of fillings, both savory and sweet. The majority of traditional Ukrainian dishes are directly descended from ancient peasant…

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  • Sauerkraut Perogy (Varenyky) Filling


    Perogy or Pierogi are filled Ukrainian dumplings that are made by using an unleavened dough and wrapping it around a filling. The fillings can be sweet or savory. This recipe is for a savory sauerkraut filling. Once filled the perogies are boiled until cooked. After boiling they can be eaten…

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  • Easy Hummus Recipe


    What is Hummus? Hummus is a delicious Middle Eastern spread or dip that is traditionally made from Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans), tahini, lemon, garlic and spices. Traditional hummus is not that difficult to make and in my opinion much better than store-bought. There are only a few ingredients needed to make…

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