sweet bread

  • Basic Sweet Dough – for cinnamon rolls, twists and other sweet breads


    There’s something magical about the aroma of freshly baked goods wafting through the air. A basic sweet dough – for cinnamon rolls, twists and other sweet breads is at the heart of many baked delights. Whether you’re a novice baker or a seasoned pro, having a go-to sweet dough recipe in your repertoire opens the door to a world of possibilities. This recipe is one that my mom used for many years, adapted by her and by me to the version I now have here. It is simple, versatile and skips the step of scalding and cooling milk that many…

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  • Blueberry Banana Bread


    There’s something undeniably comforting about the aroma of freshly baked banana bread wafting through the kitchen. But why stick to plain old banana bread when you can elevate it to a whole new level of deliciousness? Enter the Easy Blueberry Banana Bread, a delightful twist on the classic banana bread…

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  • Hummingbird Bread


    Hummingbird bread or loaf is a Southern Classic that is a blend of traditional banana bread and carrot cake minus the carrots. With the addition of coconut and pineapple to banana bread you get a delicious loaf that is the best of both worlds. It is a cake, a loaf…

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